Saturday, June 19, 2010

Day 002

So today is my second day and I stayed on track and worked out like I told myself I would after work. However, I've gotta say my eating habits aren't as good as they could have been.

Food eaten today:
+2 pieces of toast w. light butter (need to switch to peanut butter, I think)
+Reduced Fat Turkey Bacon Breakfast sandwhich (I didn't take any substantial breakfast to work)
+NAKED coconut milk smoothie
+1/3 of a blueberry scone

For it being 6p, it's a really pitiful variety... the only thing I can blame for that is... well, I don't know what to blame for that, if there's any blame to be given. I got out of work so late that I went straight to bed and woke up and went straight back to work. In terms of prepping things, I think I need to maybe spend some time packing myself snack packs and I have a few ideas that won't break the bank since I'm on a horrendously tight budget:

+Carrot sticks and hummus
+Celery and peanut butter
+Chopped up fruit
+Grape nuts and soy yogurt

Simple and simple and I can prep a couple at a time and use them to eat something-- ANYTHING on those long shifts. I've been making it a point to force myself to prepare a meal these past couple nights... it just sucks coming home and seeing all my leftovers devoured so I have nothing for myself the next day at work. But I will persevere and not let it derail me!

In terms of workouts, I've been doing these 4 videos on youtube for the past couple days and like them so far. I've done 2 sets of each and will ramp it up to 3 sets next week. Works perfectly for me because I just listen to a podcast and do these and I can feel myself making progress a little at a time! I also do a lower back exercise that I didn't find a video for.

Yoga Workout (used as a warm up)
Arm Workout
Droopy butt Workout
Stability ball Workout

As I've learned through reading tons of health shit, building muscle is the first step in burning fat-- because muscle burns fat faster, etc.etc.etc. blahblah. So I think I'm going to just continue to work on these exercises this week, next week ramp up the sets and start throwing in a cardio day every few days to see what's up.

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